Treatment Nightmares – Geriatrics


The prevalent treatment over the last many decades for cancer has been very difficult to cope up with, especially for the elderly patients. Major incidence of cancer is found to be at an elderly age The patient is emotionally and physically traumatised and there is a sense of hopelessness among them. A cancer diagnosis comes across as a rude shock. Depression, fear and anxiety are common instances in the elderly patients and reflect on to everyone involved and the families. A lot of insights are observed among the elderly patients which need to be addressed with a fresh approach, which is still lacking in spite of many decades of research. 


  • Cancer is mostly found at an advanced age. This brings in a different set of challenges that need to be addressed.
  • The foremost issue in old age are the comorbidities that add to the challenge of cancer treatment.
  • Diabetes, hypertension, cardiomegaly, renal pathologies and degenerative challenges such as cataract and glaucoma are commonly seen.
  • Memory and cognitive impairment closely follow the physical comorbidities and they are difficult for management for the care takers and the patients themselves.
  • Due to the deteriorating abilities in their cognitive as well physical prowess, cancer patients at this late age find to be socially ostracized. They find difficulty to relate with the new generation members of the family.
  • Clinical trials of drugs at this late stage of life are not possible. Therefore, it brings constraints to the data procurement as well the accuracy of the data.
  • There may be a distinct decrease in the organ function due to the age factor. Hence, they are ineligible to drug trials and testing. Moreover, the overall immuno-response is considerably low.
  • Advance age also brings in intolerance to chemotherapy. The challenge for cancer management becomes difficult. The risk benefit ratio also appears to be skewed.
  • The advance age causes functional dependence on the care givers, that is, they depend on them for movement or any tasks they would otherwise have done on their own.
  • Poly pharmacy is a major factor that needs to be considered in cancer at this age. The comorbidities invite many medicines for sustenance. The cancer treatment adds to the otherwise plenitude of medicines. There is little information about the effects of drug interaction that is supposedly advised to this age group.
  • Insomnia – sleeplessness – is a commonly seen issue among the old age patients. The drop in sleep is often seen to cause cognitive impairment and depression, and adversely affects the treatment outcome.

Rasayu Opines

Rasayu Cancer Clinic has always considered the elderly patients with utmost respect that they largely deserve. They are in the autumn of life, facing the inevitable which is probably opening doors to their next journey of life. They are treated for comfort care and confidence which in turn makes it a journey of hope and contentment.
